Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Waitin' On A Sunny Day
Bruce Springsteen
By Steini
Intro: C C Am Am F F C G
| 3x |
It's rCainin' bCut there ain't a cloud in the sAmky
MAmust of been a tear from your Feye FEverything'll be okCay G
FCunny, thCought I felt a sweet summer brAmeeze
MAmust of been you sighin' so dFeep Don't wForry we're gonna find a wCay G
Chorus: (with intro riff)
I'm wCaitin', wCaitin' on a sunny dAmay GAmonna chase the clouds awFay
WFaitin' on a sunny dCay G
(kurze Pause)
WithCout you, I'm wCorkin' with the rain fallin' dAmown
I'm half a pAmarty in a one dog tFown
I nFeed you to chase these blues awCay G
WithCout you, I'm a drCummer girl that can't keep a bAmeat
An ice cream trAmuck on a deserted strFeet
I hFope that you're coming to stCay G
Chorus (with intro riff)
(Tonlagenwechsel): D D Hm Hm G G D A E – G /
HCard times, bCaby well they come to us Amall
Sure as the tAmickin' of the clock on the wFall
Sure as the tFurnin' of the night into dCay G
Your smCile girl, brCings the mornin' light to my Ameyes
LAmifts away the blues when I rFise
I hFope that you're coming to stCay G
Chorus (with intro riff)
Outro: with intro riff
E E C#m C#m A A E H
A A F#m F#m D D H E ~~