Tab Drum Guns N’ Roses – Patience Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Guns N’ Roses – Patience mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Guns N’ Roses – Patience dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Guns N’ Roses lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
tune:Eb Intro: C G A D C G A D C G C Em C G D D
CShed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you GI'm still alright to smile AGirl, I think about you every Dday now CWas a time when I wasn't sure GBut you set my mind at ease AThere is no doubt DYou're in my heart now CSaid, woman, tGake it slow CIt'll work itselEmf out fine CAll we need is Gjust a little paDtience CSaid, sugar, Gmake it slow CAnd we come toEmgether fine CAll we need is Gjust a little paDtience Mm, yeah CI sit here on the stairs G'Cause I'd rather be alone AIf I can't have you right now I'll wait, dear CSometimes I get so tense GBut I can't speed up the time ABut you know, love DThere's one more thing to consider CSaid, woman, Gtake it slow CAnd things will be jEmust fine CYou and I'll just Guse a little pDatience CSaid, sugar, Gtake the time C'Cause the lights are shininEmg bright CYou and I've got whatG it takes DTo make it, DWe won't fake it, DI'll never break it D'cause I can't take it C..G.litCtle patience, Gmm yCeah, Gmm yCeah CneGed a litCtle patience, yeah CjuGst a litCtle patience, yeah CsoGme more Cpatience, yeah CneGed some Cpatience, yeah CcoGuld use Csome patience, yeah CgoGtta haveC some patience, yeah CalGl it takCes is patience, CjuGst a litCtle patience CisG all youC need GI BEEN WALKIN' THE STREETS AT NIGHT CJUST TRYIN' TO GET IT RIGHT GHARD TO SEE WITH SO MANY AROUND CYOU KNOW I DON'T LIKE BEING STUCK IN THE CROWD GAND THE STREETS DON'T CHANGE BUT BABY THE NAME CI AIN'T GOT TIME FOR THE GAME G'CAUSE I NEED YOU CYEAH, YEAH, BUT I NEED YOU GOO, I NEED YOU DWHOA, I NEED YOU GOO, CALGL THIS TIME