Kunci Ukulele Yellowcard – Ten Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Yellowcard – Ten mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Yellowcard – Ten dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Yellowcard lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: G C E A
two three four
GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm
CI found Gout in the Emfall I've been goneG on the Droad for a Emyear She said HoCney I'Gve got reEmal bad news and thenG therDe were just tearEms DAnd we would never Gbe the same Cagain Since Gthen I've Emoften wonderedG what you Dmight have been Emlike CHow it Gwould have Emfelt to hold you Gwould you hDave had my eEmyes DDon't you think we Gwould have been best Cfriends
EmYou would be Gten and I'd be Cdriving you to school EmYou would tell Gall your friends that Cyou thought I was cool And you would Emhave all the Dlove in my Cheart Yeah you would Emhave all the Dlove in my Gheart
CWe were Gtwenty Emtwo years young then bGreaking rDules all arouEmnd We were Cmoving Gin that Emfirst apartment DIt felt like it was Gnever gonna Cend Both Gso Emlost and crazy Gwe were yDoung so we rEman CNow I Glive in a Emdream where I am Gholding Dyour little Emhand DI never got to Gmeet you my best fCriend
EmYou would be Gten and I'd be Cdriving you to school EmYou would tell Gall your friends that Cyou thought I was cool EmYou would be Gout in the sunC until it was gone EmYou would be Gwatching Star WarsC with your PJs on And you would Emhave all the Dlove in my Cheart Yeah you would Emhave all the Dlove in my Gheart D
G D G D Em D G Em Em D G Em Em Am
GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm DDon't you think we Gwould've been best Cfriends
EmYou would be Gten and I'd be Cdriving you to school EmYou would tell Gall your friends that Cyou thought I was cool EmYou would be Gout in the sunC until it was gone EmYou would be Gwatching Star WarsC with your PJs on EmYou would be Gplaying tunes on Con your first guitar EmYou would be Gharmony to Cevery single part of me And you Emhave all the Dlove in my Cheart Yeah you would Emhave all the Dlove in my Gheart
GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm GMm mm Dmm mm Emmmm