Kunci Ukulele Vanessa Carlton – This time Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Vanessa Carlton – This time mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Vanessa Carlton – This time dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Vanessa Carlton lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
This doesn't play along with the song, but it is in a more singable key(if you want to along). Feel free to email corrections of comments to me at [email protected]. Fun!!
ItsC four A.M and i'm wFide awake WaiCting for my thoughtFs to fade A fClickering of Fall of my miGstakes AndC as the light startFs creeping in I sClowly feel the day Fi'm missing ButC i wouldn't eFven know where toG begin
Do Ci push to Fhard FalCl too faFst TheC moment nFever seeCms to laFst WilCl i stop loFng enough to kGnow EveFrybody burCns, and wFhen it starts to hCurt I cGry I fFeel it in my veCins I jFust cant walk aCway ThiGs time
Your words circle in my head Weigh so heavy on my chest and I'm crushed by your expectations I only want to do some good Too dumb to know if i could and I just want to feel the days i'm in Do i go too far Not far enough Why can't i keep my big mouth shut And do we lead the life that we should? And everybody burns And when it starts to hurt I cry I feel it in my veins I just cant walk away This time Did i say too much again Just a girl in a panic If i tell you my truth Am i getting through It just seems i should confess Who am i to pretend This i more than i can carry Everybody burns And when it starts to hurt I cry I hold my head up high I know i'll be alright This time I feel it in my veins I just can't walk away This time It's 4 am and I'm wide awake Waiting for my thoughts to fade Its times like these when i see your face I hope you like it, and for the last verse/bridge thing, you can play whtever chord fits your voice. Noelle