Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: G C E A
There's a woCrd that would huGrt
I can fAmeel on your lFips
Like a guCn to my heaGrt
When all that I wAmant is a kFiss
But we feCll so hard and it felt so right
So doGn't let it all end here tonight
And wAme could fall all over agaFin
Don't say goodbyCe
Keep us alivGe
Cause my woAmrld will stop if we didn't tFry
Can't we pretenCd just for toniGght
Cause those woAmrds would tear the stars from the sFky
Don't say goodbyCe
Don't don't don't say it
DoGn't don't don't say it
DAmon't don't don't say it
There's a woCrd that would huGrt
And you cAman't take it bFack
So just shoCw me more than woGrds could ever sAmay F
But we feCll so hard and it felt so right
So doGn't let it all end here tonight
And wAme could fall all over agaFin
Don't say goodbyCe
Keep us alivGe
Cause my woAmrld will stop if we didn't tFry
Can't we pretenCd just for toniGght
Cause those woAmrds would tear the stars from the sFky
Don't say goodbyCe
Don't don't don't say it
DoGn't don't don't say it
DAmon't don't don't say it
DoFn't don't don't say it
C G Am F
But we feCll so hard and it felt so right
So doGn't let it all end here tonight
And wAme could fall all over agaFin
Don't say goodbyCe
Keep us alivGe
Cause my woAmrld will stop if we didn't tFry
Can't we pretenCd just for toniGght
Cause those woAmrds would tear the stars from the sFky
Don't say goodbyCe
Don't don't don't say it
DoGn't don't don't say it
DAmon't don't don't say it
DoFn't don't don't say iCt
End on E