Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: G C E A
ALove is Dreal Eit is noAt just in novels or the movies
AIt is factD and it is Estanding here right in front of you
ASo if you justD openE your eAyes, oh what a sweet discovery
AThere is hoDpe, and thEere is joy and there is acceptance
DSo now leEt all theA light that collects on your plants keep you warm, make you
DAnd I will beE there wiAth thDis pen in my hand to record all the while
D E Cm# Bm
You'll be laughing so loud that the house will shake with sound
And DeverythinEg will Abe as new as the day it was found
Oh, loAve is real Dit is Enot just iAn long-distance commercials
AOr somethinDg that yoEu thought you felt back in high school
ASo I wilDl turn bElack and Awhite become that horoscope you're reading
AIt predictDs thatE something good is on its way
And DI'll sendE you all thAe world greDen and blue in a box through the mail
DYou can opeEn it up, holdA it right Din your hand and be glad that it's there
DAnd be Eglad that you're there
Cm# Bm
Now you can feel all the knots in your stomach they start to untie
And DsuddenlyE it's nAot so hard to say you're alright
AOh, lovDe is rEeal iAt is not just in poetry and stories
AIt is tDruth Eand it will follow you everywhere you go from now on
ASo if you jDust casEt all oAff your doubts then your lips would answer for you
AOh, my Ddarling Ewhen you smile it is like a song
I cant hear it now
A-->Bm-->Cm#-->D-->E (REST OF SONG)...