Kunci Ukulele Celine Dion – A new day has come Versi 3

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Celine Dion – A new day has come mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Celine Dion – A new day has come dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Celine Dion lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: G C E A
EmI was Cwaiting for Gso Dlong Em For a Cmiracle to Gcome D Em EveryCone told me Gto be Dstrong CHold Emon and Gdon't shed a Dtear
EmThrough the Cdarkness and Ggood times Em I knew CI'd make it Gthrough D Em And the Cworld thought I'd Ghad it Dall But CI Emwas Gwaiting for Dyou
EmHush Cnow GI see a Dlight in the Emsky COh Git's almost Dblinding me EmI can't Cbelieve I've been Gtouched by an Dangel with Alove
Let the Crain come down Gand wash aDway my Emtears Let it Cfill my soul Gand drown my Dfears Let it Cshatter the Gwalls for a Dnew Emsun A Cnew Gday Dhas comEme
When it was Cdark now there's Glight D Em Where there was Cpain now's there's Gjoy D Em Where there was Cweakness I Gfound my Dstrength Em CAll Emin the Geyes of a Dboy
EmHush Cnow GI see a Dlight in the Emsky COh Git's almost Dblinding me EmI can't Cbelieve I've been Gtouched by an Dangel with Alove
Let the Crain come down Gand wash aDway my Emtears Let it Cfill my soul Gand drown my Dfears Let it Cshatter the Gwalls for a Dnew Emsun A Cnew Gday Dhas comEme
Let the Crain come down Gand wash aDway my Emtears Let it Cfill my soul Gand drown my Dfears Let it Cshatter the Gwalls for a Dnew Emsun A Cnew Gday Dhas comEme
EmHush Cnow GI see a Dlight in your Emeyes CAll in the Emeyes of a Gboy D
EmI can't Cbelieve I've been Gtouched by an Dangel with Alove
EmHush Cnow a nGew dDay