Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Bruce Springsteen: The Wall
Unreleased, Live November 16 2005 version
CigaFrettes and a bottle of Cbeer, this Fpoem that I wrote Cfor you
This black Fstone and these hard Ctears they're Fall I've got left now Cof you
I reAmmember you in your Marine uniform laughing, laughing at your ship out Cparty
I've read AmRobert McNamara, he says he's Csorry
Yeah, you and your Fboots and black t-Cshirt, oh, FBilly you looked so Cbad
Yeah Fyou and your rock and roll Cband was the Fbest thing this shit town ever Chad
Now the Ammen that put you here eat with their families in rich Cdining halls
And apAmology and forgiveness got no place here at Call, here at the wall
I'm Fsorry that I missed you last Cyear, I couldn't Ffind no one to Cdrive me
If your Feyes could cut through that black Cstone, tell me Fwould they recogCnize me
For the Amliving time it must be served, life Cgoes on
CigaAmrettes and a bottle of beer and skin on Cblack stone
| F | F | F | C | F | F | F | C | C |
High school Fpictures and paper Cflowers, there's Fribbons as red as tChe blood
Yeah as the Fblood you spilledC in the FCentral Highlands mCud
Now the lAmimousines rush down Pennsylvania Avenue as the Crain falls
AAmpology and forgiveness got no place here Cat all