Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
For two daCys the riFver keeps you dCown
Then you riFse to the ligFht without a Csound
Past the plaCygrounds and emFpty switching yaCrds
The turtles eat the sFkin from your eyes, so they lay Fopen to the sCtars
Your cloCthes give way to the cuFrrent and river sCtone
'Till every tFrace of who you ever were is gCone
And the thCings of the eaFrth they make their cClaim
That the thFings of heaFven may do the saCme
FGoodbye, my darling, for your Clove I give God thanks,
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the FMatamoros bCanks
Over rivers of sCtone and anFcient ocean bCeds
I walk on twiFne and tFire treaCd
My pockets full of duCst, my moFuth filled with cool stCone
The pale moon opFens the earth to its boCnes
I loFng, my darling, for your kiCss, for your sweet loFve I give God thCanks
The touFch of your loving fingertCips
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the FMatamoros bCanks C F C
Your sweet meCmory comes Fon the evenin' wCind
I sleep and dFream of holdFing you in my arms aCgain
The lights of BrCownsville, aFcross the river shCine
A shout rings oFut and into the silty red river I dCive
I loFng, my darling, for your kiCss, for your sweet loFve I give God thaCnks
A toFuch of your loving fingertCips
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the MatamForos
MCeet me on the FMatamoros Cbanks