Left Handed
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Capo: 2
Tuning: E A D G B E
The closest Bruce & The E-Street Band ever came to a punk rock song. All chords
are relative to capo. Solo is in B minor pentatonic, improvising in that works.
Capo 2nd fret
C - F
F - G - C
F - G - C
Verse 1
F - F - F - F - G - G - C - C 2X
Verse 3
Verse chords
Chorus chords
Solo chords
CI was out driving just a Ftaking it sClow
CLooked at my tank it was Freading lowC
CPulled in a Exxon station out on FHighway COne
FHeld up witGhout a gCun, hFeld up withGout a gCun
Verse 2
CSome damn fool with a guitar walking dFown the stCreet
CAin't got nowhere to go ain't got Fnothing to Ceat
CMan with a cigar says, &qFuot;Sign hCere son"
FHeld up withoGut a gCun, hFeld up withGout a gCun
CNow it's a sin and it ouFghta be a cCrime
CYou know it happens buddy Fall the tCime
CTry to make a living, try to have a Flittle fCun
FHeld up witGhout a gCun, 4X