Kunci Gitar Vanessa Carlton – All is well Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Vanessa Carlton – All is well mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Vanessa Carlton – All is well dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Vanessa Carlton lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: 4
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

A Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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A Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
1 / 4
B Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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B Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
1 / 4
C Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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E Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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E Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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G Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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ALL IS WELL As recorded by Vanessa Carlton Link to the song: https://youtu.be/95Ves1GCwjs Capo 4th fret
Em C Em G Em C B A Em D G A Em Dm G A B
Verse 1
I Emalways sleep so much Gbetter Cwhen it's Braining There's Esomething 'bout the Emrhythm as the Cwater hits the pane I could Emstay in Gbed all God Adamn day And Csweetly waste aBway 'Cause I'm Eblind to Ball the good you Emsee And Cprefer a fine Btragedy
When Amall Emis well I get Dnervous Something's Gmissing If Aonly you could Emtell me it's Dokay, and I Glisten 'cause it AalBready Emis OCh B
Verse 2
The Eair grows Bthin as sumEmer fades CI miss, I Bchange The Emold crisp and Bcolor autumn days apCpear in my Bview 'cause this Emblue, you caught the splendor that's been CStaring me in Bmy face And the Emspectrum Bmof the colors Cjust change into Bblue
When Amall Emis well I get Dnervous Something's Gmissing If Aonly you could Emtell me it's Dokay, and I Glisten 'cause it AalBready Emis D G C
Verse 3
And Emit's all trDue, and good Cand merry 'Cause you Asee through the Dtears And they Bcome every Enight Without Dreason Gmeaning Adimwhy Am E ah AohC oh B
When Aall Eis well I get Dnervous Something's Gmissing If Aonly you could Emtell me Dit's okay, and I Glisten cause it AalBready, AAll is Ewell, and I Dknow it, when I Gsee you AYou don't need Eto tell me it's Dokay Cause I beGlieve that itA alBready iAs AlBready iAs AlBready iAs C B I always sleep so much Ebetter Cwhen it's EmraiBning