Kunci Gitar U2 – The first time Versi 1

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Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

A Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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C# Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com4fr
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E Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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This is the U2 song - The First Time, from the 1993 Album Zooropa, written on the road on the Achtung Baby tour Please rate if you like it - Cheers Intro E A x2
EI have a lover A A loEver like no other She got soEul, soul, soul, sweet soAul And she teEach me how to sAing Shows me cC#molours when there's none to Asee Gives me C#mhope when I can't belAieve That for the fEirst time I Afeel lovEe EI have a broAther When I'm a Ebrother in nAeed I spend my wEhole time ruAnning He spends his runEning after Ame C#mWhen I feel myself gAoing down I just C#mcall and he comes arouAnd But for the fiErst time I fAeel lEove
EMy father is a riAch man He wears a rEich man's clAoak Gave me the keEys to his kinAgdom coming Gave me a cEup of goAld He said I haEve many maAnsions And there are mEany rooms to sAee But I leEft by the bAack door And I Ethrew away the kAey And I tEhrew away the kAey Yeah, I tC#mhrew away the kAey Yeah, I tC#mhrew away the kAey For the C#mfirst tiAme For the fEirst tAime For the fEirst tAime I feel lEove