Kunci Gitar Shawn Mendes – As long as you love me Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Shawn Mendes – As long as you love me mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Shawn Mendes – As long as you love me dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Shawn Mendes lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

D# Mayor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
1 / 4
F# Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
1 / 5
G# Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com4fr
1 / 5
-(Verse 1)-
As long as you love A#mme We're under preF#ssure, G#Seven billion people in the world trying to fiD#t in A#mKeep it together, F# G#Smile on your face even though your heart isD# frowning A#mBut hey noF#w, you knowG#, girl, We both kD#now it's a cruel world A#mBut I willF# take my chG#ances D#
As long asA#m you love me F#We could be starving, we could be homelesG#s, we could be broD#ke As long A#mas you love me I'll beF# your platinum, I'll be your sG#ilver, I'll be your goD#ld As long as you lA#move, lF#ove, loG#ve, love D#me As long as you lA#move, lF#ove, loG#ve, love D#me
-(Verse 2)-
I'lA#ml be your solF#dier, FigG#hting every second of the daD#y for your dreams, girl I'lA#ml be your HF#ova YoG#u can be my Destiny's ChD#ild on the scene girl SoA#m don't stress,F# don't cryG#, we don't need D#no wings to fly JA#must take my haF#nd G#
As long A#mas you love me We couF#ld be starving, we could bG#e homeless, we could D#be broke As lonA#mg as you love me I'll be yoF#ur platinum, I'll bG#e your silver, I'll be your D#gold As A#mlong as you lovF#e, love, G#love, lovD#e me As A#mlong as you lovF#e, love, G#love, love D#me As A#mlong as you lovF#e, love, G#love, love D#me As loA#mng as you love, F#love, loG#ve, love D#me As loA#mng as you love, F#love, loG#ve, love D#me As loA#mng as you love, F#love, loG#ve, love D#me As lA#mong as you love, F#love, loG#ve, love D#me As A#mlong as you loF#oooooooove me G# D#