Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
DBance sucka B
dBance sucka B
dBance sucka B
Verse 1
DLiAfeB is always so fucking vDioAleBnt on the street
But I’m tDelAliBng you this for your DowAn Bgood
It's because eDveAryBone has sDomAeoBne to hate
That juDstA sBo happens
It hDapApeBns to be the plan
Verse 2
But evBerybody has someBthing to hate
EveBrybody wants just oBne thing to hate
EverDybody gBot oDne thBing to hate
EverDybody wBants just oDne thBing to hate, yeah
Verse 3
Well You sBaid there are no rules on the stBreet, boys
But there’s oBne rule I know rBeal well
(TDhis Bis just one of them) D A B
DUnAdoB your big unDderBhand deBals
(BBig bad)
KaBthy was a girl I know and sBhe was stabbed
And nBow she has no aBrm
NBow she has no heBart