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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
[Teddy Adhitya]
SoGmmetimes it seems so D#hard to fiG#nd
The reaD#son why I'm staG#ying around
Dreaming yD#esterday, lovG#ing today
Been lying to mD#yself, I said G#it's okay
[Teddy Adhitya]
So thD#at's my story
I can't be rG#omantic
I'd rather Cmfight thanBb leave thesG#e troubles
But girl don'D#t worry
It's just my kind G#of crazy
You're myCm reflectBbion in stilG#l water
[Teddy Adhitya]
UntG#il the rain comD#es downG#
UntG#il the rain comD#es downG#
[Maudy Ayunda]
I knoD#w you said I'm harG#d to handle
ReD#ally, it's all becauseG# of you
Problems Cmyesterday
I bring uBbp today
I just don't uD#nderstand
It still fG#eels right
[Maudy Ayunda]
So thD#at's my story
I can't be rG#omantic
I'd rather Cmfight thanBb leave thesG#e troubles
But boy don'tD# worry
It's just my kind G#of crazy
You're myCm reflectBbion in stilG#l water
[Maudy Ayunda]
UntG#il the rain comD#es downG#
UntG#il the rain comD#es downG#
[Maudy Ayunda & Teddy Adhitya]
We doG#n't care
We doG#n't care
[Maudy Ayunda & Teddy Adhitya]
So thD#at's my story
I can't be rG#omantic
I'd rather Cmfight thanBb leave thesD#e troubles
But don't youF worry
We're just kind A#of crazy
You're mDmy reflectioCn in stilA#l water
[Maudy Ayunda & Teddy Adhitya]
So that's ourF story
Things are no waA#ys easy
I'd rather fight tDmhan breatheC these trA#oubles
You're mDmy reflectioCn in stilA#l water
UnA#mtil the rain comeFs
[Maudy Ayunda & Teddy Adhitya]
You tell me IF'm crazy
Look at you
...A#....Isn't that exactly what are we
DrivFe me crazy
Drive me and sing
...A#....Hmm my mother drive
around my lover
..F....We got it bad
So good So gA#ood So gD#ood
So gAood