Kunci Gitar Lights – Same sea Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Lights – Same sea mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Lights – Same sea dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Lights lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

C Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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E Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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E Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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G Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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Intro C, Em, D
Going the Cdistance, every ocEmcasion Headed for Gsomewhere out of the Dway Moving and Cshakin’ every pEmersuasion Keepin’ uGs out there, caught in thDe waves
CTry to Emwander iGn the dDeep Just Cwaitin??Em? for theG tides toD meet
CAnd when the currents take us Gout again to opposEmite oceans DOut of the hands of safety CFrom the shallow to the Gdeepest end Places we Embreak and bend DYou’re the one in it with me CNo matter how faGr we get EmOceans we are inD, still connect CAnd when the currents circle Gback again They’ll carrEmy us with them to theD arms of the same sea
Isn’t it Call just part of thEme nature Piece of the Gbusiness, part of the Dview Physical Clabor, human beEmhavior It’s an iGllusion I’m passDing through
No Cplace to Emstand or sGet my fDeet Just Cwaiting Emfor the eGnds to mDeet
CAnd when the currents take us Gout again to opposEmite oceans DOut of the hands of safety CFrom the shallow to the Gdeepest end Places we Embreak and bend DYou’re the one in it with me CNo matter how faGr we get EOceans we are inD, still connect CAnd when the currents circle Gback again They’ll carrEmy us with them to theD arms of the same sea
The Emtides were cDarried iCn, The Emlakes they tDake us oCut They Emcome aDround agaCin, And Embring me bDack to Cyou
CWhen the Gcurrents take us Emout again D CFrom the Gshallows to the Emdeepest endD CThey’ll carGry us witEmh them Dto the arms of the same sea To the aGrms of theD same Csea To the aGrms of theD same Csea To the aGrms of theD same Csea You’reG the one iDn it wCith me To the aGrms of theD same Csea