Kunci Gitar Keane – Playing along Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Keane – Playing along mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Keane – Playing along dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Keane lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: 3
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

B Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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Bb Major (3)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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C Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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E Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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F Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
1 / 4
F# Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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G Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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G Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com3fr
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G - C VERSE: (same schords as intro)
At the sGtart of the news day, the Cfires begin In Gwords and in pictures, but I'm not Clistening I'm not Gtaking it in C I'm going to Ggo to the country, where Cnothing goes on Going to Gbury my head, where I cCan't hear the souGnd of bombs C Playing aGlong C
GMe, ID'm just Cplaying Galong EmYou and BI, so mCany good FpeoCple Gall C Just playing alGong C
I'm gonna Ggo to a bar, where is the jCukebox is on Going to Gshut out the noise, with a Crock'n'rGoll song C Playing aGlong
I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Emturn up the Ebvolume Till I Fcan't even think
G - C - G - C
GTell us a tale of the pCroud and the free GSing us a swingtime ACmerican melody G From 'Follow The CFleet' G
GMe, ID'm just Cplaying Galong EmYou and BI, a biCllion FpeoCple Gall Just plaCying along G C
I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Emturn up the Ebvolume Till I Fcan't even think I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Ebturn up the vColume I'm going to Emturn up the Ebvolume Till I Fcan't even think
I'm going to Emturn up the Ebvolume Till I Fcan't even Gthink
Repeat until end. -------------------------------------------------------------- STANDARD TUNING - NO CAPO
Bb - Eb VERSE: (same schords as intro)
At the sBbtart of the news day, the Ebfires begin In Bbwords and in pictures, but I'm not Eblistening I'm not Bbtaking it in Eb I'm going to Bbgo to the country, where Ebnothing goes on Going to Bbbury my head, where I cEban't hear the souBbnd of bombs Eb Playing aBblong Eb
BbMe, IF'm just Ebplaying Bbalong GmYou and DI, so mEbany good AbpeoEbple Bball Eb Just playing alBbong Eb
I'm gonna Bbgo to a bar, where is the juEbkebox is on Going to Bbshut out the noise, with a Ebrock'n'rBboll song Eb Playing aBblong
I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to Gmturn up the F#volume Till I Abcan't even Bbthink
Bb - Eb - Bb - Eb
BbTell us a tale of the prEboud and the free BbSing us a swingtime AmEberican melody Bb From 'Follow The EbFleet' Bb
BbMe, I'Fm just pEblaying alBbong GmYou and DI, a biEbllion pAbeopEble alBbl Just plaEbying along Bb Eb
I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to Gmturn up the Ebvolume Till I Abcan't even tBbhink I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to F#turn up the vEbolume I'm going to Emturn up the Ebvolume Till I Abcan't even tBbhink
I'm going to Gmturn up the Ebvolume Till I Abcan't even tBbhink
Repeat until end.