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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
Day & Night – Johnny Orlando feat Mackenzie Ziegler
Am Em F F - G
Requested by Zoe at OLSH
Verse 1
AmChillin' with you spendin' some time GGirl there is nothing better
FWhatever we do, it'll be fine FIt don't maGtter the weather
AmHit up the mall right after school GMeet you outside at 3
FGo see a movie, buy something cool FAs long as -you're Ghere with me
Verse 2
AmBut I know, I know, when Gwe're far apart
FIt doesn't change a thing at Fall - G
AmYes I know, I know that you're Ghere in my heart
FYou're here to catch me if I falFl, o-hh G
AmWhen you close your eyes, GKnow that I'll be there with you
FWhen you're happy inside, Fknow that- I feGel it too
AmWhen you're caught in the tideG, know that I'm here to save you
FCause you're always on my mindF Al-l daGy and niAmght
G All day and nFight FAll -daGy and niAmght
G All day and niFght AllF da-y Gand night
Verse 3
AmYou know me better than anyone elseG, You know how I feel
FNo I can't imagine us not being friendsF, Just ke-eping it Greal
When you're noAmt around and you're out of town,
You still cGall me up on the phone
Yeah you mFake me laugh when I'm feeling bad,
Let me knoFw I'm n-ever alGone
Verse 4
AmBut I know, I know, when Gyou're far away,
I nFever feel quite like myFself - G
Yes AmI know, I know it'll Gall be okay
As Flong as we still have each other FI do-n't need noGbody else