Left Handed
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Capo: 3
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
This is my first tab. Hope you like it 🙂
Note: Sometimes he plays the chords a little different. He does that with the C --
> C7 and the D --> Dsus4. You really have to watch the video for that:
Capo 3
Em Em C G 2x
EmYou went Emwalking Caway, into the Gsun
EmHow romantEmic, no iC knew we were Gdone
Was it something I Emsaid, something I dEmid, it must be over my Chead G
I didn't quite undersEmtand it, now it's out of my haEmnds, it's out of my haCndsC
EmI am sorry for the wEmay you was feeling abouCt yourself, every Gday
EmBaby you needed me to maEmke it, so you can keep Con running aGway
Was it something I sEmaid, something I dEmid, it must be over my hCead G
I didn't quite understEmand it, now it's out of my hEmands, it's out of my hCandsC
When it feGels like lGife has gotten out of contDrol,D
when it feEmels like Emmuch too much to hoCld C
When it feGels like too mGuch to understanDd
B7Know, that's out of your haEmnds, out of your haCnds, out of your haGnds
Em Em C G 4x
Was it something I sEmaid, something I dEmid, it must be over my heCad G
I didn't quite understEmand it, now it's out of my hEmands, it's out of my hanCdsC
When it fGeels like liGfe has gotten out of contDrol, D
when it feEmels like mEmuch too much to hoCld C
When it feGels like too mGuch to understaDnd
B7Know, that's out of your haEmnds, out of your hCands, out of your hGands
B7Know, that's out of your haEmnds, out of your haCnds, out of your haGnds
Em Em C G 4x