Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
To make it easier you can also transpose chords to -4 and put capo on 4th fret.
Verse 1
BYou put your hands under my F#jacket
It's cold asG#m hell, but I'ma let you Eanyway
EWouldn't you say Bthere's a light in the dark F#this moment?
G#mAnd this is the moment when I Ecan be brave
BYou say you want to call a F#taxi
But I don't G#mwanna go and meet up all your Efriends
ESo then you Bsay, "We'll get another pack instF#ant coffee"
EI hope it doesn't ruin our first F#kiss
EAnd for every song, there's a G#msong we're not Bsinging
BFor every step, there's a step we're C#not Btaking
BSo let me know iG#mf there's something I'm Bmissing
E'Cause this G#mis all I need F#
F#So say we'll be Ealways, Balways
BSay it will F#be you and me 'til the G#mold days
G#mLet us be Ealways, Balways
BThrough the higF#hs and the lows, we'll be G#malways
G#mWe will be Ealways (Always), Balways (Always)
BSay it will be F#you and me 'G#mtil the old days
G#mWe will be Ealways (Always), Balways (Always)
F#Through the highs and the lows, G#mwe'll be always
Verse 2
BWe are lying on my F#sofa
F#We fall G#masleep watching an episode of EFriends
WiBll we end up jF#ust like Ross and RacG#mhel?
G#mI'm so sorry for the spoiler, but that's the Eend
EAnd for every song, there's a G#msong we're not Bsinging
BFor every step, there's a step we're C#not Btaking
BSo let me know iG#mf there's something I'm Bmissing
E'Cause this G#mis all I need F#
F#So say we'll be Ealways, Balways
BSay it will F#be you and me 'til the G#mold days
G#mLet us be Ealways, Balways
BThrough the higF#hs and the lows, we'll be G#malways
G#mWe will be Ealways (Always), Balways (Always)
BSay it will be F#you and me 'G#mtil the old days
G#mWe will be Ealways (Always), Balways (Always)
F#Through the highs and the lows, G#mwe'll be always
G#mThroughE the highs and theB lows
We F#keep together Byou and me 'til we're old
F#I am ready for the highs and Blows
BI am ready for the Ehighs and Blows
BFor the highs and Elows
EAlways (Always), Balways (Always)
BSay it will be F#you and me 'G#mtil the old days
EWe will be always, Balways (Always)
F#Through the highs and the lows, G#mwe'll be always
EAlways (Always), Balways (Always)
BSay it will be F#you and me 'G#mtil the old days
EWe will be always, Balways (Always)
F#Through the highs and the lows, G#mwe'll be always
EWe will be always, Balways
F#Through the highs and the lows, we'll be always