Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
Tabbed by Daniel Zanchi
Standard Tuning (I think) or even EADGBD# (let me know witch is better [email protected])
No capo
A - 0 9 9 8 0 0
E - 0 4 4 3 0 0
D - 0 2 2 1 0 0
F#m - 0 6 6 4 0 0
C - 12 14 14 13 0 0
(the name of these chords, are casual )
A, F#m, A, C x2
A, F#m, A, C x2
You cut me dAown a tree E
And bDrought it back to mAe
EAnd thatD's what made me see
Where I was gAoing wrong.
YouA put me oEn a shelf
And kDept me for yoursAelf
I cEan only blDame myself
You can only blaAme me
And I couldD write a song A
A huF#mndred miles loEng
Well, thDat's where I beloAng
And you belF#mong to me E
And DI could write it dAown
Or spread itF#m all around E
Get lost andD then get fouAnd
Or sF#mwallowed in the seEa
Verse 2;
You pAut me on a lEine
And hung me oDut to dry A
And darling tEhat's when I D
Decided tAo go to see you
You cAut me down to siEze
And opDened up my eyAes
Made me Erealize D
What I couAld not see
And ID could write a boAok
The one theF#my'll say that shook E
The wDorld, aAnd then it took
It F#mtook it back Efrom me
And DI could write Ait down
Or spread itF#m all arouEnd
Get loDst andA then get found
AndF#m you'll coEme back to me
NoDt swalloweAd in the sea
And DI could wrAite a song
A hunF#mdred miEles long
Well, tDhat'sA where I belong
AndF#m you belongE with me
The strDeets youA're walking on
A thoF#musand houEses long
Well, tDhat'sA where I belong
AndF#m you belong Ewith me
Oh whDat goodA is it to live
WiF#mth nothing leEft to give
ForDget butA not forgive
Not F#mloving all Eyou see
Oh tDhe streets you're walking oAn
A thoF#musand houEses long
Well tDhat's whereA I belong
And F#myou belong wEith me
Not swaDllowed inA the sea
F#mYou belong with Eme
Not swDallowed in the sAea
Yeah, yF#mou belong with Eme
Not swaDllowed inA the sea