Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
Bruce Springsteen: The Wall
Unreleased, Live November 16 2005 version
CigaGrettes and a bottle of Dbeer, this Gpoem that I wrote Dfor you
This black Gstone and these hard Dtears they're Gall I've got left now Dof you
I reBmmember you in your Marine uniform laughing, laughing at your ship out Dparty
I've read BmRobert McNamara, he says he's Dsorry
Yeah, you and your Gboots and black t-Dshirt, oh, GBilly you looked so Dbad
Yeah Gyou and your rock and roll Dband was the Gbest thing this shit town ever Dhad
Now the Bmmen that put you here eat with their families in rich Ddining halls
And apBmology and forgiveness got no place here at Dall, here at the wall
I'm Gsorry that I missed you last Dyear, I couldn't Gfind no one to Ddrive me
If your Geyes could cut through that black Dstone, tell me Gwould they recogDnize me
For the Bmliving time it must be served, life Dgoes on
CigaBmrettes and a bottle of beer and skin on Dblack stone
| G | G | G | D | G | G | G | D | D |
High school Gpictures and paper Dflowers, there's Gribbons as red as tDhe blood
Yeah as the Gblood you spilledD in the GCentral Highlands mDud
Now the lBmimousines rush down Pennsylvania Avenue as the Drain falls
ABmpology and forgiveness got no place here Dat all