Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
This is from the Ghost of Tom Joad album. Hope it's more or less correct.
The Line - Bruce Springsteen
CI got my discharge from Fort Irwin
took a place on Fthe San Diego county lineC
felt fuFnny bein' a civilCian again
it'd been some timeG
my wifCe had died a year ago
I was still tryin' toF find my way back wholCe
I went to work fFor the INS onC the line
with the CGalifornia Border PatroCl
Bobby Ramirez was a ten year veteranF
and we became friendCs
his fFamily was from GuanajuaCto
so the job it was different for hGim
he said' "TChey risk death in the deserts and mountains"
pay all they gFot to the smugglers ringCs,
we send 'em hFome and they come right bCack again
Carl, huGnger is a powerful tChing."
Well I Fwas good at doin' what I wasC told
kept my Funiform pressed and cClean
at nFight I chased their sChadows
through the arroyos and ravinGes
Cdrug runners, farmers with their families,
young women with Flittle children by their sideCs
come night we'd Fwait out in the canCyons
and try to keep G'em from crossin' the linCe
Well the first time that I saw her
she was iFn the holdin' penC
Our eFyes met and she lookedC away
then she looked back agaiGn
her hCair was black as coal
her eyes remiFnded me of what I'd losCt
she had a Fyoung child cryin' in her arms
andC I asked, "GSenora, is there anything IC can do"
There's a Am7bar in Tijuana
Fwhere me and Bobby drink alongside
the same peoCple we'd sent bGack the day beforeC
we met tAm7here she said her name was LoFuisa
she was from SoCnora and had just come nGorth
we daAm7nced and I held her in my aFrms
and I knew what GI would Cdo
she said she had some fFamily in Madera couCnty
if she, her child and her younger bGrother could just get throuCgh
At night they come across the levy
in the seFarchlights dusty glowC
we'd rFush 'em in our BCroncos
and force 'em back down into the river beloGw
she cClimbed into my truck
she lFeaned towards me and we kCissed
as we dFrove her brothers shirt slipped oCpen
and I sGaw the tape across his cChest
We were Am7just about on the hFighway
when Bobby's jCeep come up in the dGust on my riCght
I puAm7lled over and let my eFngine run
and stepped Cout into his lGights
I fAm7elt myself movin'
fFelt my gun restin' 'neath mGy handC
we stood there sFtarin' at each oCther
as off thGrough the arroyo she rCan
Bobby Ramirez he never said nothin'
6F months later I left the lCine
I drFifted to the central vCalley
and took what work I could fGind
at Cnight I searched the local bars
Fand the migrant towns
Lookin' for my LouCisa
with the blGack hair faCllin' down