Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
Verse 1
Came into Ctown with a Gpocketful of Csongs
I made the Crounds but I Fdidn't last Clong
Now I'm out Amon this Ghighway with a Fbone-cold Cchill
AmSomeAm/Gwhere Am/Fnorth Cof FNashCville
Verse 2
I lie aCwake in the Gmiddle of the Cnight
Makin' a list of Cthings that I Fdidn't do Cright
With Amyou at the Gtop of a Flong page Cfilled
Here, AmsomeAm/Gwhere Am/Fnorth Cof FNashCville
Am Am/G Am/F C F C
For the Fdeal I made, the Gprice was sAmtrong
FI traded you Cfor this Gsong
Verse 3
CWe woke each morning with Ghearts Cfilled
Bluebird of Clove on the FwindowsCill
Now the Amheart's unsGteady, and the Fnight is sCtill
All I've Amgot's this meloGdy, and Ftime to Ckill
Here, AmsomeAm/Gwhere Am/Fnorth Cof FNashCville
Here, AmsomeAm/Gwhere Am/Fnorth Cof FNashCville
Here, AmsomeAm/Gwhere Am/Fnorth Cof FNashCville