Kunci Gitar Bruce Springsteen – Reason to believe Versi 1

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Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

Bb Major (3)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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C Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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F Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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G Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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That's the version from the album "Live 1975 - 1985" If you wanna play the album version from "Nebraska" just use following chords: G = F C = Bb D = C Reason to Believe (live) Bruce Springsteen
G Seen a man standin' over a dGead dog C by the highway in a dGitch G He's lookin' down kinda pGuzzled pGokin' that dog with a stDick D Got his car door flung Gopen he's stCandin' out on Highway 3G1 G Like if he stood there lCong enoGugh D that dog'd get up and rGun G Man it struck me kinda fCunnGy seem kinda fDunny sir to mGe G How at the end of every hCard earned dGay people fDind some reason to belGievGe G
G Now Mary Lou loved JGohnny C with a love mean and trGue G She said "Baby I'll work forG you everyG day and bring my money homeD to you" D One day he up and lGeft her C and ever since of thGat G She waits down at the end of that dCirt rGoad fDor young Johnny to come bGack G Man it struck me kinda fCunnGy seemed kind of fDunny sir to mGe G How at the end of every hCard earned dGay people fDind some reason to bGeliGeveG
G Take a baby to the rGiver C Kyle William they cGalled him G They wash the baby in the wGater G take away little Kyle's sDin D In a whitewash shGotgun shack an Cold man passes awGay G They take his body to the grCaveyard D and over him they prGay G Lord now won't you tCell Gus tell us whDat does it mGean G Still at the end of every hCard earned dGay people fDind some reason to belGieGveG
G Congregation gGathers C down by the riversGide G Preacher stands with his BGible G groom stands waitin' for his brDide D Congregation gGone and the sun sets behCind a weepin' willow trGee G Groom stands alCone and watches the rDiver rush on D D D so effortlesslGy G Lord and he's wConderGin' where cDan his baby bGe G Still at the end of every hCard earned dGay people fDind some reason to belGieve
| G | G | C | C | G | G | D | D | | G | G | C | C | G | G | D | D | G | G |