Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
These are the chords to the '78 version of
Racing In The Street from The Promise.
It's a terrific rendition of the song
and I searched and searched but
couldn't find the chords online.
Finally I picked up my guitar and
sounded them out. I hope this helps
anyone else whose been searching for
these chords.
F Dm C Bb
I got a 'F32 Ford, she's a Dmthree-eighteen
Fuelie Cheads and a Hurst on theBb floor
And she's Fwaiting tonight down in theDm parking lot
Outside the C7-Eleven store Bb
Me and my Fpartner Sonny built her sDmtraight out of scratch
And he Crides with me from town to Bbtown
We only Frun for the money got no Dmstrings attached
We shut 'em Cup and we shut 'em Bbdown
TFonight, tonight the strDmip's just right
I wanna blCow 'em all out of their Bbseats
CFome on out arouDmnd the world
We're going Cracing in the strBbeet
We taFke all the action Dmwe can meet
And we Ccover all the northeast Bbstates
When the Fstrip shuts down we runDm 'em in the street
From the Cback roads to the turnpike Bbgates
Well now Fsome guys they do it for the Dmmoney
Other guys do it 'cause they Cdon't know what else they canBb do
There Fjust ain't nothing left at Dmhome
Waking up in a Cworld that somebody else Bbowns
TFonight, tonight the stDmrip's just right
I wanna bloCw 'em off in my first Bbheat
Now Fsummer's here and the time is Dmright
For Cracing in the sBbtreet
Here's where the violin starts and the key changes.
It moves up 3 half steps so F = G#, Dm = Fm, C = D#,
and Bb = C#. You can throw a capo on the third fret
and play all the chords like before, or you can just
play barre chords.
I mG#et her on the strip three Fmyears ago
In a CD#amaro with this dude from C#L.A.
I G#blew that Camaro Fmoff my back and stD#ole that little girl C#away
Now there's G#wrinkles 'round my baFmby's eyes
She cD#ries herself to sleep at C#night
WhenG# I come home, the Fmhouse is dark she sighs,
&D#quot;Baby did you make itC# all right?"
She sG#its on the porch of her Fmdaddy's house
But honey your D#pretty dress is toC#rn
She staG#res out alone intFmo the night
With the eyes of D#one who hates for just bein'C# born
For all the G#blown-off strangers and hoFmt rod angels
StD#umbling through this promised C#land
Tonight my G#baby and me we're gonna Fmride to the sea
And wD#ash these sins off our C#hands
TG#onight tonight the strip'sFm just right
I wanna D#blow 'em off in my first C#heat
CoG#me on out the timFme is right
We're goin' D#racing in the sC#treet
Also if you want, you can play E in the bass
of the F chord before changing to Dm. It sounds
fine if you don't, but it sounds more like
the recording if you do.
-G#4-- -Fm1-- -D#3-- -C#4--
-4-- -1-- -4-- -6--
-5-- -1-- -3-- -6--
-6-- -2-- -5-- -6--
-6-- -2-- -6-- -4--
-4-- -1-- -3-- -4--