Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E
Chord Yang Digunakan
The Cangel rGidesEm with Chunch-backed Dchildren
CPoison GooEmzing Cfrom his Dengine
CWielding loGve Emas a Clethal Dweapon
COn his Gway Cto hubcap Dheaven
CBaseball Gcards Empoked Cin his DspokesDsus4 D
CHis boots in Goil Emhe's Cpatiently Dsoaked
The Croadside GattEmendant Cnervously Djokes Dsus4 D
CAs the angel's Gtires Emstrokes Chis precious DpavementDsus4 D
Well the CinterGstate's choked EmWith Cnomadic Dhordes
In CVolkswagen Gvans With full Emrunning boards Cdragging great DanchorsDsus4 D
CFollowin' dead-end Gsigns Emin..Cto the Dsores
The Cangel Grides by Emhumpin' his Chunk Dmetal whoreDsus4 D
AmMadison Avenue'sEm claim to fameG in a trainer bra with Dsus4eyes like rain D
FShe rubs against the weather-Csus4beaten frameC and Fasks the angel Amfor his Dname
COff in the Gdistance Emthe Cmarble Ddome
CReflects across the Gflatlands with a Emnaked feel Coff into Dparts unknown
The Cwoman Gstrokes Emhis Cpolished Dchrome
And Clies beGside Emthe angel's Dbones