Kunci Gitar Avril Lavigne – Under my skin Versi 1

Berikut adalah kunci gitar Avril Lavigne – Under my skin mudah . Kamu dapat belajar chord gitar Avril Lavigne – Under my skin dengan beberapa pilihan chord diagram di halaman ini. Untuk pilihan lagu dari Avril Lavigne lengkap dengan kunci gitarnya silakan klik di sini.
Left Handed
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Capo: no capo
Tuning: E A D G B E

Chord Yang Digunakan

A Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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A Minor (1)
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A Minor 7 (1)
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B Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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B Minor (1)
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C Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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C Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com3fr
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C# Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com4fr
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D Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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D Minor (1)
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E Major (1)
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E Minor (1)
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F Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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F Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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F# Minor (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com2fr
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G Major (1)
Chord diagram created with chordpic.com
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Avril Lavigne Under My Skin 2004 Arista Records/RCA Records Submitted by: paramore_fans@yahoo.com Band Members: AVRIL LAVIGNE- Lead Vocals, Electric & Acoustic Guitars, Piano MATT BRANN- Drums & Percussion CHARLIE MONIZ- Bass CRAIG WOOD- guitars for segmented parts of the songs, back-up vocals EVAN TAUBENFIELD- Lead Guitar, Back-up vocals but now he has been already replaced by ex KELLY CLARKSON's lead guitarist named DEVIN BRUNSON. Track listing: 1.) Take Me Away 2.) Together 3.) Don't Tell Me 4.) He Wasn't 5.) How Does It Feel 6.) My Happy Ending 7.) Nobody's Home 8.) Forgotten 9.) Who Knows 10.) Fall To Pieces 11.) Freak Out 12.) Slipped Away Bonus Tracks: 13.) I Always Get What I Want 14.) Take It(Revised Version, the 1st version is unreleased) 15.) Daydream(Incomplete) In This Album, Avril had written 1/3 of all these songs such as TAKE ME AWAY, DON'T TELL ME, NOBODY'S HOME and FREAK OUT or simply 4 songs the rest, She had also contributed lyrics in them while other people work with her for those songs like her main guitarist EVEN TAUBENFIELD, her drummer MATT BRANN, her Canadian best friend CHANTAL KREVIAZUK, a member of the band Our Lady Peace named RAINE MAIDA, The Ex member of Marvelous 3 BUTCH WALKER and an Evanescence ex guitarist BEN MOODY. How different this album from her 2002 multi-platinum LET GO' This is a better one because it adds somber, maturity and morbidity that you will notice on each of the songs unlike in LET GO, all pop, lack of seriousness and immature one but this time, no more TANK TOP wearing Avril like in her past songs SK8ER BOI and COMPLICATED and she's more FEMALE here such as wearing skirts and promoting her red X symbol instead of her past red STAR symbol. Finally she had already revealed her serious side here and more ROCK than POP. Such as the final song SLIPPED AWAY which her GRANDPA passed away at the same time she's in a concert in DUBLIN, IRELAND. NOBODY'S HOME which expresses the solitude and depression of the little girl she knew. MY HAPPY ENDING which expresses her BREAKUP to her ex boyfriend. DON'T TELL ME which she promotes ANTI-CONFORMITY especially the guys who just love the girls for SEX and AVRIL is not that kind of girl who gives it all away. Another morbid TOGETHER which she expresses that she's better off alone without a guy because if they're together, she feels like this is not together. A SK8ER BOI reminiscent called HE WASN'T a fast paced song which she expresses that she likes TRADITIONAL TYPE OF GUY who opens up the door for her, gives her flowers, pampers her, pays the bills for her. Then a sweet acoustic intro HOW DOES IT FEEL which expresses her INDEPENDENCE and prepares for whatever obstacles that she should face but she's not afraid to face them. Now let's start the song with the accurate guitar chords. 1.) Take Me Away Tuning: Drop D= DADGBe Em- 222000 Dsus2- xx0230 Asus2- x02200 CM7- x32000 C5- x355xx D5- 0577xx A5- 777xxx G5- 555xxx
Craig: (To Enter at time 0:02) e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|-----0--0-------------0--0----------| (x2) D|-------------4--4---2--------2---4--| A|---2-------0------0--------3--------| D|-2-------0---------------------0----|
Verse 1
Em I canDsus2 not findAsus2 a way CM7to desDsus2cribe it Em It's thereDsus2 insideAsus2 all I CM7do is Dsus2hide Em I wishD5 that itA5 would just C5go awD5ay Em What wouldD5 you doA5 you do C5if you D5knew C5 What would you do'
And all the Empain I thought I C5knew All the D5thoughts lead back to you Back to Emwhat Was never C5said Back and D5forth inside my head EmI can't C5handle D5this confusion Em C5 D5(break) I'm unable come and take me away
e|------------------------------------| B|------------------------------------| G|-----0--0-------------0--0----------| D|-------------4--4---2--------2---4--| A|---2-------0------0--------3--------| D|-2-------0---------------------0----|
Verse 2
Em I feelDsus2 like I'mAsus2 CM7all Dsus2alone Em All byDsus2 myselfAsus2 I need to CM7get aDsus2round this Em My wordsD5 are coldA5 I don't want C5them to D5hurt you Em If ID5 show youA5 I don't think you'd C5undeD5rstand C5 'Cause no one understands
(Repeat Chorus except last line)
EmI'm uC5nable D5come and take me away
C5 I'm going nowhere on and on and Em I'm getting nowhere on and Take me away Craig backups (on and on) C5 I'm going nowhere on and on and D5off and on and off and on
(Repeat chorus except last line) Em C5 D5 Em C5-D5 I'm unable come and Take me away
Em C5-D5 Take Me away Em C5-D5 Take Me away
Break me aEmwa-C5-a-a-D5ay Em G5-D5 Take me away
Em (Break) _________________________________________________________ 2.) Together Tuning: Drop D= DADGBe Eb5- 111xxx C5- x355xx Bb5- x133xx or 888xxx G5- 555xxx F5- 333xxx
(Piano Part and hey!! Avril's hands are very fast so I can't figure out what key she's pressing and If you know to convert the piano to tab, just e-mail me but here are the equivalent chords that she used) Eb5-C5 (x3) Bb5-F5
Verse 1
Eb5Something just isn't C5right Eb5I can feel it inC5side The Eb5truth isn't far beC5hind me Bb5You can't deF5ny Eb5When I turn the C5lights out Eb5When I close my C5eyes ReEb5ality overcC5omes me I'm Bb5living a F5lie
G5When I'm aEb5lone I Bb5Feel so much F5better And G5when I'm aEb5round you I Bb5don't feelF5
ToG5gether It doesn't feel Eb5right at all ToBb5gether Together we've F5built a wall ToG5gether Holding Eb5hands we'll fall Bb5Hands we'll fallF5
Post Chorus: (Piano intro) Eb5-C5 (x2)
Eb5This has gone on C5too long I Eb5realize that I C5need Eb5Something good to reC5ly on Bb5Something for F5me
(Repeat Refrain and Chorus)
My Eb5heart F5is G5broken I'm Eb5ly--F5ing G5here My Eb5thoughts F5are G5choking on Eb5you F5my G5dear On Eb5you F5my G5dear On Eb5you F5my G5dear
(Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Chorus twice)
When I'm aG5round Eb5you When I'm aBb5round F5you I don't feel toG5getherEb5 I don't feel toBb5getherF5 When I'm aG5round Eb5you When I'm aBb5round F5you I don't feel toG5gether, Eb5no Bb5 F(Hold) I don't feel together __________________________________________________________________
3.) Don't Tell Me Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: E!- x799xx C#m!- 9x99xx B!- 7799xx A!- x09977 E- 022100 C#m- x46654 Bsus2- x24422 Asus2- x02200 F#m- 244222 A/F#- 2x2200 E/G#- 4xx45x
E!-C#m!-B!-A! (x2) This is the piano part but I tabbed it anyway E|----------12-----------------14--12-----| B|--9-10-12-----12-10-9--10-12------------| G|----------------------------------------| D|----------------------------------------| (x2) A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------|
Verse 1
E! C#m! B! A! You held my hand and walked me home, I know. E! C#m! B! While you gave me the kiss it was something like this A! You made me go oh-oh E! C#m! B! A! You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears, why did you have to go' E! C#m! B! Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love, A! Guys are so hard to trust. Refrain 1:
Did Asus2I not tell you that C#mI'm not like that' Girl the Asus2one who gives it all aBsus2way-yay-oh
C#m Did you think that I was Asus2going to give it up to Eyou, this Bsus2ti-i-ime' C#m Did you think that I was Asus2something I was going to Edo and Bsus2cr-y-y' C#m Don't try to Asus2tell me what to Edo; don't try to Bsus2tell me what to A/F#say Your better off that Bsus2way.
Riff: E|-------------------| B|-------------------| G|-9-9-8-8-6-6-4-4---| D|-9-9-8-8-6-6-4-4---| A|-7-7-6-6-4-4-2-2---| E|-------------------|
Verse 2
E! C#m! Don't think that your charm and the fact that your B! A! Arm is now around my neck. E! C#m! Will get you in my pants I'll have to kick your B! A! Ass and make you never forget. E! C#m! I'm gonna ask you to stop, thought I liked you a B! A! Lot but I'm really upset. E! C#m! B! A! So Get out of my head, get off of my bed yeah that's what I said. Refrain 2: (The play the piano part for the other guitar)
Did Asus2I not tell you that C#mI'm not like that' Girl the Asus2one who throws it all aBsus2way.
(Repeat Chorus and Riff)
This A/F#guilt trip that you put me on won'tE/G#, mess me up I've done no wrong. Any F#mthoughts of you and me have gone Asus2away-yay-Bsus2yay-yay-yay.
Chorus 2
C#m -------------- Chordless -------------- E Bsus2 Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this ti-i-ime'
C#m Did you think that I was Asus2something I was gonna Edo and Bsus2cry-y-y' C#m Don't try to Asus2tell me what to Edo; don't try to Bsus2tell me what to A/F#say Your better off that Bsus2way. I'm better off that A/F#way Bsus2(Hold) I'm better off alone anyway. ______________________________________________________________________
4.) He Wasn't Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: D5- x577xx C5- x355xx Bb5- 688xxx A5- 577xxx F- 133211 Em- 022000 G5- 355xxx D- xx0232 C- x32010 G- 320033
D5--C5 Avril: (Her power chords skills are getting improved) D5 C5 e|-------------------------------|---------------------------------| B|-------------------------------|---------------------------------| G|--7-----7(x3)--7-7-----7(x3)--5|--5-----5(x3)--5-5-----5(x3)--7--| D|--7p5h7-7(x3)--7-7p5h7-7(x3)--5|--5p3h5-5(x3)--5-5p3h5-5(x3)--7--| A|--5-----5(x3)--5-5-----5(x3)--3|--3-----3(x3)--3-3-----3(x3)--5--| E|-------------------------------|---------------------------------|
Verse 1
D5 There's not much goin' on toC5day D5 I'm really bored it's getting C5late D5 What happened to my saturC5day' D5 Monday's commin' the day I Bb5hate-aA5ate
FI sit on my bed alEmone FStaring at the phEmone
D5He wasn't what wanted what I thought no! G5He wouldn't even open up the door D5He never made me feel like I was special G5 D5-----C5-D5 (tremolo effects) He isn't really what I'm lookin for uh uh
Verse 2
Chordless-------------------- C5 This is when I start to bite my nails
D5 Or clean my room when all else C5fails D5 I think it's time for me to C5bail D5 This point of view is getting stBb5ale-aaA5le
(Repeat Refrain and Chorus)
Uh-D5uh uh-uh-uh uh-uh G5uh (2x)
C Nah Emnah nah-nah-Dnah we've Gall got Dchoices C Nah Emnah nah-Dnah we've Gall got Dvoices C Nah Emnah nah-Dnah-nah stand Gup make some Dnoise C Nah Emnah nah-Dnah stand Gup make some Dnoise
(Repeat Refrain just a palm mute) (Repat Chorus but chordless at first line; chords will start on "He wouldn't...")
Chorus 2
D5He wasn't what I wanted what I thought no! G5He wouldnt even open up the door D5He never made me feel like I was special Like G5I was special 'cause I was special
D5uh-uh uh-uh-uh uh-G5uh D5uh-uh uh-uh-uh uh-G5uh C Nah Emnah nah-Dnah-nah _______________________________________________________________________
5.) How Does It Feel Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: Am- x02210 C- x32010 F- 133211 G- 320033 D- xx0232
Verse 1
AmIm not afraid of anyCthing I Fjust need to know that I can Cbreathe And AmI don't need much of anyCthing but Fsuddenly, suddenly AmI am small and the world isC big all aFround me is fast moCving SuAmrrounded by so many Cthings but Fsuddenly, suddenly
How does it Cfeel to Gbe Fdifferent from me are Gwe the same How does it Cfeel to Gbe Fdifferent from me are Gwe the same How does it Amfeel' C Am C
Other guitar sounds like this e|-----8--------8-10-------| B|-------10----------10----| G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-------------------------| E|-------------------------|
Verse 2
AmI'm young and I'm Cfree but I Fget tired and I getC weak AmI get lost and I can't Csleep but Fsuddenly and suddenly
(Repeat Chorus except last line)
How does it Amfeel'
Am would you Ccomfort Gme-yeDah Am would you Ccry with Gme Dyeah ah ah Amah ah ah Cah ah ah Gah ah ah Dah ah ah Amah ah ah Cah ah ah Gah ah ah Dah
AmI am small and the world is Cbig but AmI'm not afraid of anythCing
(Repeat Chorus)
oh oh Coooh Gooooh Foooh oh oh Coooh Gooooh Foooh
Then you will hear a sound like this e|---------8------8----| B|-----5h6----5h6------| G|---------------------| D|---------------------| A|---------------------| E|---------------------|
How does it Cfeel' How does it Gfeel' FDifferent from me GDifferent How does it Cfeel' How does it Gfeel' FDifferent from me GDifferent How does it Cfeel' How does it Gfeel' Fdifferent from me GDifferent How does it Cfeel' How does it Gfeel' F(Hold) Different from me _______________________________________________________________________
6.) My Happy Ending Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: Bm- x24432 G- 320033 or 320003 both are applicable to the song D- xx0232 A/C#- x4222x 0r x477xx A- x02220 Em- 022000 C#5- 9-11-11-x-x-x
(Turntable part) E|-----------------------| B|-7h8--7h8--7-----------| G|-------------9--7p9--7-| D|-----------------------| A|-----------------------| E|-----------------------| So much for my happy ending
Bm Oh-Oh G Oh-Oh D Oh-Oh A/C# Oh-Oh Bm G D A/C#(Hold) Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh
Let's talk this Bmover; it's not like we're Gdead. Was it something i Ddid' Was it something you A/C#said' Don't leave me Bmhanging in a city so Gdead. Held up so Dhigh on such a breakable A/C#thread.
And you were Gall the things I Athought I knew. And GI thought we could Abe.
Chorus 1
You were Geverything, everyDthing that I Awanted. And we were Gmeant to be, suppDosed to be, but we Alost it. And all of the Gmemories so closDe to me just Afade awBmay. Em G(hold) C#5 All this time you were pretending, so much for my happy ending.
Bm Oh-Oh G Oh-Oh D Oh-Oh A/C# Oh-Oh Bm G D A/C#(Hold) Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh
Verse 2
You've got your Bmdumb friends, I know what they Gsay. They tell you I'm Ddifficult, but so are A/C#they. But they don't Bmknow me, do they even know Gyou' All the things you Dhide from me, all the shit that you A/C#do.
(Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Chorus 1 except last line)
EmAll this time you were pretending, Gso much for my happy ending.
A It's nice to know that you wereG there, Thanks for acting like you Acared, And making me feel like I was the Gonly one. A It's nice to know we had iBmt all, thanks for watching as GI fall, And letting me know we were Adone.
Chorus 2
G-ring D-ring A-ring Harmonics @ Fret 7 He was everything, everything that I wanted.
And we were Gmeant to be, suppDosed to be, but we Alost it. And all of the Gmemories so closDe to me just Afade awBmay. EmAll this time you were pretending, Gso much for my happy...
(Repeat Chorus 1)
Bm Oh-Oh G Oh-Oh D Oh-Oh A/C# Oh-Oh Bm Oh-Oh G Oh-Oh D Oh-Oh A/C# Oh-Oh
Bm G D A/C#-G Oh-Oh Oh-Oh Oh-Oh E|-2-------| B|---3-----| G|-----4---| x4 D|-------4-| A|---------| E|---------| ______________________________________________________________________ 7.) Nobody's Home Tuning: Standard EADGBe and a CAPO on 1st fret Chords used: Em- 022000 D- xx0232 C- x32010 G- 320033
Intro: (Ben Moody Plucking Riff at time 0
09) Em D C e|----------0--|----------0--|--------------------------| B|------0------|------3------|----------0-----------1-0-| G|-------------|----2---2----|------0-----------0-------| D|--2-----2----|--0----------|----2---2-------2---2-----| A|----2--------|-------------|--3-----------3-----------| E|-------------|-------------|--------------------------|
Verse 1
Em I couldn't Dtell you why she Cfelt that way, She felt it everyday. E And I couldn't Dhelp her, I just Cwatched her make the same mistakes again.
Refrain 1:
Em What's wrong, what's wrong now' D Too many, too many problems. C Don't know where she belonCgs, where she belongs.
Em She wants to go Ghome, but nobody's Dhome. That's Where she lies, broken inside. Em There's no place to Ggo, no place to Dgo to dry her eyes. Broken inside.
Verse 2
Em Open your Deyes and Clook outside, find a reason why. Em You've been reDjected, now you Ccan't find what you left behind.
Refrain 2:
Em Be strong, be strong now. D Too many, too many problems. C dont know where she belongs, where she belongs.
(Repeat Chorus)
Em Her feelings she hides. D Her dreams she can't find. C She's losing her mind She's falling behind. Em She can't find her place. D She's losing her faith C She's falling from grace. She's all over the place. Yeah
(Repeat Chorus)
Em She's lost inGside, lost inDside...oh oh. Em G D Em(Hold) She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah. _______________________________________________________________________
8.) Forgotten Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: Cm- x35543 Eb- x68886 F- 133211 Fm- 133111 G- 320033 Ab- 466544 D5- x577xx
(Actually this was played in piano but I tabbed it anyway) e|----8--------------| B|--8----------------| G|--------8----------| D|----------7--------| (x6) A|------6---5--------| E|--8----------7-----| Ah-ha-ha-ha
Verse 1
I'm Cmgiving upEb on FmeveryGthing because you Cmmess me upEb Don't Fmknow how Gmuch you sCmcrewed it upEb you Fmnever Glistened CmThat's just too bad Because I'm Cmmoving onEb I Fmwont' forGget you were the Cmone that was Ebwrong I Fmknow I Gneed to step Cmup and be Ebstrong, don't FmpatroGnize me Yeah Cmyeah yeah yeah yeah
Have you forCmgottenEb' AbEveryFthing that I CmwantedEb Do you forAbget it Fnow' You never Cmgot itEb Do you Abget it Fnow' Yeah CmYeah Yeah yeah yeah
CmAh-haEb-ha-Fmha G(x2)
Verse 2
Gotta Cmget awayEb there's Fmno point in Gthinking aCmbout yesterEbday It's Fmtoo late Gnow it won't Cmever be the Ebsame We're Fmso different Gnow Yeah Cmyeah yeah yeah yeah
(Repeat Chorus)
I Cmknow I wanna run away I Ebknow I wanna run awayD5 run awayFm If Cmonly I could run away if Ebonly I could run awayD5 run awayFm I Cmtold you what I wanted I Ebtold you what I wantedEb what I wantedFm But CmI was forgotten I Ebwon't b forgottenAb never aGgain
(Repeat Chorus twice)
ForCmgotten (Ebyeah Abyeah Fyeah) (x4) _______________________________________________________________________
9.) Who Knows Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords Used: Em- 022000 C- x32010 G- 320033 D- xx0232 Am7- x02010 G/B- x20033 Cadd9-x32033 G5- 355xxx Am7!- 535xxx
intro at time 0
04) Em C G D E|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------0--2--| B|--------2-----|--------1--0--|--------0-----|--------------| G|-----0-----0--|--------------|-----0-----0--|-----2--------| D|--2-----------|-----2--------|--------------|--0-----------| A|--------------|--3-----------|--------------|--------------| E|--------------|--------------|--3-----------|--------------| Em C G D(Hold) E|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------| B|--------2-----|--------1--0--|--------0-----|--3~----------| G|-----0-----0--|--------------|-----0-----0--|--2~----------| D|--2-----------|-----2--------|--------------|--0~----------| A|--------------|--3-----------|--------------|--------------| E|--------------|--------------|--3-----------|--------------|
Em Yeah C yeah G D Yeah yeahEm yeahC Yeah yeahG yeahD
Verse 1
EmWhy do you loCok so famiGliar' D Em I could Cswear that I have Gseen your face beDforeEm I think I Clike that you seem sinGcereD Em I think I'd Clike to get to Gknow you a little bit Dmore
Refrain: Am7 G/B(Hold) I think there's something more
C Life's worth living for
Chorus 1
GWho knows what could happen Cadd9Do what you do just keep on laughing GOne thing's true There's always a brand new Cday
Am7I'm gonna live today like it's my G/Blast Cday
Em Yeah C yeah G D Yeah yeahEm yeahC Yeah yeahG yeahD
Verse 2
EmHow do you Calways have an oGpinionD' Em And how do you Calways find the Gbest way to comproDmiseEm We don't Cneed to have a GreasonD Em We don't Cneed anything Gwe're just wasting Dtime
(Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Chorus 1 twice) (Repeat Post chorus)
GFind yourself Cause I can't find you Am7Be yourself who are you' Who are you' (Repeat)
(Repeat Chorus 1 without chords)
Chorus 2
So Gyou go and make it happen Cadd9Do your best just keep on laughing I'm Gtelling you There's always a brand Cnew day
(Repeat Chorus 1) (Repeat Post Chorus) _____________________________________________________________________ 10.) Fall to Pieces Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: Am- x02210 C- x32010 G/B- x20033 G- 320033 F- 133211 Dm- xx0231 Em- 022000
Avril: (Simple Strumming) Am-C-G/B—F (x2) Craig: e|--5-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-1-1-3-1-0----| B|---5-5-5-5-3-3-3-3-1-------1---| G|-------------------------------| (x2) D|-------------------------------| A|-------------------------------| E|-------------------------------| Evan: (To be enter at time 0:08) e|-------------------------------| B|-------------------------------| G|----2---0---0-------0----------| D|---2-2-2-2-0-0-----3-3-2-------| A|--0---3---2-------3-----3------| E|-----------------1-------------|
Verse 1
Am I LookedC AwayG/B Then I Look FBack At You Am You TriedC To SayG/B, Things that You FCan't Undo Am If I HadC My WayG, I'd never get Fover you Am Today'sC the dayG; I pray that we Fmake it through DmMake it through the fall, Fmake it through it all
Chorus 1
And CI don't want to fall to pieces Am I just want to sit and stare at Gyou FI don't want to talk about it And CI don't want a conversation Am I just want to cry in front of Gyou DmI don't want to talk about it Cause FI'm in love with you
Verse 2
Am You're the onCly one;G/B I'd be with Ftill the end Am When I comeC undoneG/B, you bring me Fback again DmBack under the stars, Fback to your arms
(Repeat Chorus 1)
Am Want to knowC who you areG/B Want to knowEm where to startF I want to know whatC this meansG/B Am Want knowC how you feelG/B Want to knowEm what is realF I want to know evC-ery-thing,G evEm-ery-thingF
(Repeat Chorus 1 except last line instead proceed below to Chorus 2)
Chorus 2
And CI don't want to fall to piecesAm I just want to sit and stare at Gyou FI don't want to talk about it And CI don't want a conversationAm I just want to cry in front of Gyou DmI don't want to talk about it Cause CI'm in love with you AmI'm in love with you GI'm in love with you DmI'm in love with you F(Hold) I'm in Love with you _______________________________________________________________________
11.) Freak Out Tuning: Standard EADGBe and a Capo on 1st fret Chords used: D- xx0232 Em- 022000 G- 320033 F#5- 244xxx A- x02220 A/C#- x4222x Bm- x24432
Part 1: Craig: (x3) e|---------|---------| B|---------|---------| G|---7-9-7-|--7(x8)--| D|--7-7-7-7|---------| A|---------|---------| E|---------|---------| Evan: e|-------------| B|-------------| G|--7(x32)-----| D|--7(x32)-----| A|--5(x32)-----| E|-------------| Part 2: Craig: e|---------|---------|----------|----------| B|---------|---------|----------|----------| G|--7(x2)--|--9(x2)--|--12(x2)--|--12(x2)--| D|--7(x2)--|--9(x2)--|--12(x2)—-|--12(x2)--| (x2) A|--5(x2)--|--7(x2)--|--10(x2)--|--10(x2)--| E|---------|---------|----------|----------| Evan: e|---------|---------|----------|-------------| B|---------|---------|----------|-------------| G|--7/97--|--7/97--|--7/97---|--9/1197---| D|--x-x-x--|--x-x-x--|--x—x-x---|--x--x-x-x---|(x2) A|--5/75--|--5/75--|--5/75---|--7/-975---| E|---------|---------|----------|-------------| Avril: e|--2(x2)--|--0(x2)--|--3(x2)--|--3(x2)---| B|--3(x2)--|--0(x2)--|--3(x2)--|--3(x2)---| G|--2(x2)--|--0(x2)--|--0(x2)--|--0(x2)---| D|--0(x2)--|--2(x2)--|--0(x2)—-|--0(x2)---| (x2) A|---------|--2(x2)--|--2(x2)--|--2(x2)---| E|---------|--0(x2)--|--3(x2)--|--3-------|(x2)—
Verse 1
D Try to Emtell me what GI shouldn't dDo You should Emknow by Gnow I won't listen to Dyou Walk aEmround with my Ghands up in the Dair Cause EmI don't Gcare
Cause EmI'm alright, I'mF#5 fineG Just A/C#freak out, let it Dgo
I'm gonna live my A/C#life I can't Bmever run and Dhide I won't Gcompromise Cause I'll never knowD I'm gonna close my A/C#eyes I can'tBm watch the time go Dby I won't Gkeep it inside A D Em-G Freak out, let it go D-Em-G Just freak out, let it go
Verse 2
D You don't Emalways Ghave to do everything Dright Stand Emup for yourGself And put up a Dfight Walk Emaround with your Ghands up in the Dair Like Emyou don't Gcare
(Repeat Refrain and Chorus)
On my Gown Bm-D Let it go EmYeah yeah yeah F#5yeah GyeahA/C# yeah-heh
Chorus 2
Djust let me livA/C#e my life I can't Bmever run and Dhide I won't Gcompromise Cause I'll never knowD I'm gonna close my A/C#eyes
I can'tBm watch the time go Dby I won't Gkeep it inside A D Em-G Freak out, let it go D-Em-G Just freak out, let it go D-Em-G Gonna freak out, let it go D-Em-G Gonna freak out, let it go ______________________________________________________________________
12.) Slipped Away Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: G- 320033 Bm- x24432 C- x32010 Am7- x02010 Em- 022000 D/F#- 2x023x CM7- x32000
(Avril plays piano in the in this song) G Bm e|------------|----------------| B|------------|----------------| G|-4----4-----|-4----4---------| D|------------|---2----2-------| (x4) A|---5----5-2-|-2----2---2-----| E|-3----3-----|----------------|
GNa NaBm Na Na Na GNa NaBm
Verse 1
IG miss youBm I miss you so GbadBm I don't forGget youBm Oh it's so GsadBm
C I hope you can Ghear me C I remember it Gclearly
The Emday Am7you slipped aGwayD/F# Was the Emday that I Am7found
It won't be the Gsame D/F#Oh
GNa NaBm Na Na Na GNa NaBm
Verse 2
I didn't get around to Gkiss youBm Goodbye on theG handBm I wish that I couldG see you againBm I know that I Gcan'tBm Oh
(Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Chorus)
I've Amhad my wake up EmWon't you wake up GI keep asking Cwhy And EmI can't take it It D/F#wasn't fake It CM7happened you passed D/F#by EmNow you're gone, now you're gone D/F#There you go, there you go CM7Somewhere I can't bring you D/F#back EmNow you're gone, now you're gone D/F#There you go, there you go CM7Somewhere you're not coming D/F#back
(Repeat Chorus twice)
GNa NaBm Na Na Na GNa NaBm IG miss you
__________________________________________________________ 13.) I Always Get What I Want Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: B5 - 799xxx or x244xx E5 - 0799xx E4 - 022xxx F#4 - 244xxx A5 - 577xxx or x022xx D5 - x577xx C#5 - x466xx Eb5 - x688xx
B5-E5-A5-D5 (x4)
Verse 1
B5Every now and A5then we E4all want F#4something B5Even if there's A5no E4way of F#4gettin' it B5If I stomp my A5feet quick E4that mayF#4be B5(hold) Be the way around it, B5(hold) could I get myself around it
Get me what I B5wantE5 A5 EveryD5thing I don'B5t gotE5 A5 So get me D5what I B5wantE5 A5 Cause D5I'm a bigB5 shotE5 A5 D5
B5-A5-E4-F#4 (x2)
Verse 1
B5Don't wanna alA5ways haE4ve to beF#4 so nice B5 Don't wanna A5hear you E4say well F#4that's just life B5 I'll drown you A5out when I E4open my F#4mouth B5(hold) And make my way around it, B5(hold) I always make my way around it
(Repeat Chorus)
B5 So E5give me A5what I D5want B5 I always E5get A5what I D5want B5 You don't E5want to A5see me D5when B5(hold) If I don't get what I want It's not what you want
B5-E5-A5-D5 (x2)
Verse 3
B5 I'm not aE5bout to take A5no for an aD5nswer, no B5 If I E5tell you I A5can't I'm sD5till gonna go B5 I did it E5all by A5myself and I D5found B5(hold) I found my way around it
(Repeat chorus and Post Chorus)
Eb5It's not to E5lovely It could sEb5tart to get E5ugly Eb5It really E5bugs me If I C#5don't get my way!!!
(Repeat Chorus and Post Chorus) _________________________________________________________________ 14.) Take It Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: G- 355433 or 320033 Bm- 244322 C- x35533 or x32033 Em- 022000 D- xx0232 D/G- 3x023x G/B- x20033 Am- x02210
Just Emtake it Dtake it. G-Bm-C
Can't Emtake it Dtake it.
Verse 1
G I know what Bmyou Cdo, Emflash me. G The way Bmit's Cdone, impoEmlitely. G Just tying Bmto Cfind, some aEmlone time. G No room to comBmproCmise. Just Emtake it Dtake it.
Can't Emtake it Dtake it. G-Bm-C
Chorus 1
G So sell your Dpicture to a EmmagaBmzine, InCvasions aren't Emtrue phoDtography. G Is that Dwhat you always Emwanted to Bmbe, C En D Well I'd be worried for you. SomeCtimes, Gotta G/Btry, Run and Amhide, Get away from this. I'll get Cby, In this G/Blife, This Amtime.
Verse 2
G Take your Bmbest Cshot and pEmress me. G Write a ficBmtional sCtory, for your Emfee. G Try to get Bmthe Cworld, to beEmlieve. G So fucking Bmheadline surCprise.
EmJust takDe it take it. G-Bm-C Can't Emtake it Dtake it.
G-Bm-C (Repeat Chorus)
Em You see me, D/G I see you. CYou're over there. Em You see me, C I see you.
Chorus 2
G So sell your Dpicture to a EmmagaBmzine, InCvasions aren't Emtrue phoDtography. G Is that Dwhat you always Emwanted to Bmbe, C En D Well I'd be worried for you. G-D-Em Sometimes, Bm C-G-D Gotta try, G-D-Em Run and hide, Bm C Em-D Get away from shit.
SCometimes, Gotta G/Btry, Run and Amhide, Get away from this.
C-G/B-Am ________________________________________________________________ 16.) Daydream Tuning: Standard EADGBe Chords used: C- x32010 C/B- x2x010 Am- x02210 F- 133211 G- 320033 Dm- xx0231 G/B- x20033
C-C/B Am F Lalala-A (lalala-a) Yea C-C/B Am F-G Lalala-A (lalala-a)
Verse 1
C I coulda been the one you noticed C/B I coulda been all over you Am I coulda been like all the others F Is that what I'm suGpposed to do' C It woulda been really stupid, C/B If I woulda went home with you Am To give you everything you wanted F It woulda been Gway too soon
I Dmtry to be sensetive I try to be tough I Ftry to walk away I Dmtry to be innocent I try to be rough but FI just wanna Gplay
You're myAm dayFdream, you Cknow that I've been G/Bthinking about youAm lateFly And Ceverytime I G/Blook at you I Amcan't explain FI feel insane, CI can't get aGway Am F C-G You're my daydream yeah
Verse 2
C If I tell you what I'm thinking C/B If I let myself trust you Am Can you give me what I'm missing F Can you make my dreams come true
(Repeat Refrain) (Repeat Chorus)
And you Amknow, and you know, and you Fknow, and you know You're Cmaking me inG/Bsane And you Amknow, and you know, and you Fknow, and you know You're Cdoing it aG/Bgain
(Repeat Outro) *****HAVE FUN PLAYING********************** ********AVRIL ROCKS ************TO THE DUDES OUT THERE, SHE'S MINE!!!!*****************