Three Dog Night is an American rock band formed in 1967, founded by vocalists Danny Hutton, Cory Wells, and Chuck Negron. This lineup was soon augmented by Jimmy Greenspoon, Joe Schermie, Michael Allsup, and Floyd Sneed. The band had 21 Billboard Top 40 hits between 1969 and 1975, with three hitting number one.
Three Dog Night
Redwood (1967–1968)
Label Rekaman
Los Angeles, California, United States (1967)
Tentang Three Dog Night
Chord Gitar Three Dog Night
Try a little tenderness
Joy To The World
Elis comin
Easy to be hard
Easy evil
Black and white
Let me serenade you
Never Been To Spain
Play something sweet brickyard blues
Pieces of april
Out in the country
Old fashioned love song
My old kentucky home
Mama told me not to come
A change is gonna come
Tab Gitar Three Dog Night
Joy to the world
Mama told me not to come
Show must go on
One man band
Old fashioned love song
Black and white
Tab Bass Three Dog Night
Joy to the world
Easy to be hard
Black and white
The show must go on
Never been to spain
Mama told me not to come
Ukulele Three Dog Night
Joy to the world
Black and white
Pieces of april
Out in the country
Never been to spain