The Overtunes

Tentang The Overtunes

TheOvertunes is an Unsigned Indonesian Acoustic Band formed in 2010. Consisting of Mikha Angelo in Vocals, Reuben Nathaniel in Guitar, Jeremy Tobing in bass, and Mada Emanuelle in Drums TheOvertunes is looking to “shine a light” and send Positive messages through their songs.

Chord Gitar The Overtunes

Written in the stars
Cinta adalah
I still love you
Dunia bersamamu
Let you go (bahasa version)
Ku ingin kau tahu
Sayap pelindungmu
Senyum dan harapan
Senyuman dan harapan ft. Gac
Takkan kemana
Time will tell
If its for you

Tab Gitar The Overtunes

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Tab Bass The Overtunes

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Ukulele The Overtunes

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