Romeo Santos

Tentang Romeo Santos

Anthony “Romeo” Santos is an American singer, songwriter, record producer and actor who is best known as the frontman and lead vocalist of the bachata group Aventura. In 2002, the song “Obsesión” reached number one in Italy for 16 consecutive weeks. He released several albums with Aventura before the group broke up.

Chord Gitar Romeo Santos

Fui a jamaica
El farsante
Heroe favorito
El beso que no le di
Doble filo
Cancionistas de amor
Cancioncitas de amor
Bella y sensual
La bella y la bestia
La diabla
Yo tambien
Vale la pena el placer
Si me muero
Que se mueran
Magia negra
Los Últimos
Propuesta indecente

Tab Gitar Romeo Santos

Debate de 4
Una vuelo a la
La diabla
Que se mueran
Llvame contigo

Tab Bass Romeo Santos

Belum Tersedia

Ukulele Romeo Santos