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Tentang Passenger

Michael David Rosenberg, better known by his stage name Passenger, is an English singer-songwriter and musician. Previously the main vocalist and songwriter of Passenger, Rosenberg opted to keep the band’s name for his solo work after the band dissolved in 2009.

Chord Gitar Passenger

Beautiful birds
Brick walls
Beneath your beautiful
Blind love
Fairytales and firesides
Feather on the clyde
I see love
A thousand matches
Flight of the crow
All the little lights
And i love her
Fools gold
House on a hill
Hotel california
Fear of fear
Fairy tales and firesides
Divers and submarines
Crows in snow
Dancing in the dark
Hell or high water
Darkest days
Eagle bear buffalo
Do what you like
Community centre
Hearts on fire
Heart to love
He leaves you cold
Havent found her yet
Hard to say im sorry
Golden thread
Catch in the dark
Four horses
Ghost town
Girl from the north country
Girl i once knew
Golden leaves
Helplessly lost
Coins in a fountain
Youre on my mind
If you go ill go
The way it goes
The way that i love you
The way that i need you
The one you love
The wrong direction
Thing that stop you dreaming
Things that stop you dreaming
The way that i need you acoustic
Things youve never done
The long road
The girl running
Start a fire
Stolen toys
Strangers town
Summer rain
Sword from the stone
Table for one
The boy who cried wolf
Sweet louise
What will become of us
What youre thinking
When we were young
Where the lights hang low
Why cant i change
Wicked mans rest
Wide eyes
Winter coats
Walk you home
Thunder and lightning
Travelling alone
Travelling song
Twenty seven
Two hands
Two tales
Underwater bride
Walk in the rain
If you go i go
Let her go mashup
Let me dream a while
Lifes for the living
London in the spring
Month of sundays
My hearts on fire
Needle in the dark
New until its old
Night vision binoculars
Nothings changed
Moon on the water
Only time
Ill be your man
In the end
Kathys song
Keep on walking
Let her go acoustic
Last unicorn
Let her go
Paper cut chinese burn
Patient love
Setting suns
Shape of love
Simple song
Scared to fly
Somebody's love
Sometimes its something sometimes its nothing at all
Space oddity
Staring at the sky
Staring at the stars
Restless wind
Scare away the dark
Riding to new york acoustic
Rolling stone
Sad old life
Riding to new york

Tab Gitar Passenger

Beautiful birds
Fairytales and firesides
Beneath your beautiful
Brick walls
Divers and submarines
Feather on the clyde
All the little lights
Fools gold
Fear of fear
House on a hill
And i love her
Fairy tales and firesides
Golden thread
Darkest days
Hearts on fire
Heart to love
Coins in a fountain
Golden leaves
Four horses
Catch in the dark
The river
The sound of silence
The venice canals
The way it goes
The way that i love you
The way that i need you
The wrong direction
The wrong direction acoustic
Things that stop you dreaming
Sweet louise
Sword from the stone
The boy who cried wolf
The girl running
Things youve never done
What youre thinking
When we were young
Where the lights hang low
What will become of us
Wide eyes
Young as the morning old as the sea
Thunder and lightning
Timber and coal
Travelling alone
Two tales
Underwater bride
Staring at the stars
Let hher go
Lifes for the living
My hearts on fire
Nothings changed
Let her go acoustic
Keep on walking
Let her go
Simple song
Sometimes its something sometimes its nothing at all
Staring at the sky
Patient love
Restless wind
Riding to new york

Tab Bass Passenger

Let her go

Ukulele Passenger

Beautiful birds
Feather on the clyde
A thousand matches
All the little lights
And i love her
Fear of fear
Hearts on fire
Divers and submarines
Coins in a fountain
Catch in the dark
Helplessly lost
The wrong direction
Things that stop you dreaming
Start a fire
The last unicorn
Table for one
What youre thinking
Travelling alone
Travelling song
Walk you home
Twenty seven
Lifes for the living
Let her go (+intro tab)
Night vision binoculars
In the end
Keep on walking
Last unicorn
Let her go
Staring at the stars
Simple song
Somebodys love
Scare away the dark
Patient love
Riding to new york