Maisie Hannah Peters is an English singer-songwriter. She is best known for her debut studio album You Signed Up for This which was released under Ed Sheeran’s Gingerbread Man Records label. Peters was previously signed to Atlantic Records, with which she released two EPs.
Maisie Peters
Tentang Maisie Peters
Chord Gitar Maisie Peters
First place
Feels like this
Favourite ex
Enough for you
Cates brother
Build a boat
Best ill ever sing
April showers
In my head
Look at me now
Not another rockstar
You to you
Worst of you
Use me
This is on you
The list
Take care of yourself
Stay young
Spring clean
Sad girl summer
Pretty girls like star signs
Place we were made
Personal best
Over you
Adore you
Tab Gitar Maisie Peters
Favourite ex
The place we were made
Stay young
Tab Bass Maisie Peters
Belum Tersedia
Ukulele Maisie Peters
You to you
Cates brother
Best ill ever sing