Endah N Rhesa is a musical project comprising acoustic guitar, bass and vocal. The musical nuance that Endah N Rhesa tries to bring out is folk, jazz, blues, rock and roll, and ballads. Endah Widiastuti (vocal, guitar) and Rhesa Aditya (bass) met each other in a rock band in early 2003.
Endah N Rhesa
Label Rekaman
Tentang Endah N Rhesa
Chord Gitar Endah N Rhesa
Cinta dalam kardus
Just tonight
Liburan indie
Living with pirates
Ruang bahagia
Sahabatku tiada duanya
Seluas harapan
Somewhere in between
Uncle jim
Untuk dikenang
When you love someone
Wish you were here
You and i
Catch the windblows
A thousand candles lighted
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