Calvin Harris

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Tentang Calvin Harris

Adam Richard Wiles, known professionally as Calvin Harris, is a Scottish DJ, record producer, singer, and songwriter who has released six studio albums. His debut studio album, I Created Disco, was released in June 2007. Its singles “Acceptable in the 80s” and “The Girls” both reached the top 10 in the UK.

Chord Gitar Calvin Harris

Hard to love
Acceptable in the 80s
Faking it
Feel so close
How deep is your love
Sweet nothing
The girls acoustic
Thinking about you
This is what you came for
Under control
Well be coming back
Well be coming back acoustic
Worst day
Skrt on me
I Need Your Love
Im not alone
Nuh ready nuh ready
Pray to god
Prayers up

Tab Gitar Calvin Harris

Acceptable in the 80s
Feel so close
Drinking from the bottle
The girls
Under control
Well be coming back
How deep is your love
I need your love
Im not alone

Tab Bass Calvin Harris

Hard to love
All the girls
Feel so close
Faking it
Disco heat
You used to hold me
The girls
This is the industry
Well be coming back
How deep is your love
I need your love
Im not alone
Merry making at my place
Ready for the weekend
Acceptable in the 80s

Ukulele Calvin Harris

Acceptable in the 80s
Feel so close
Sweet nothing
Well be coming back
Well be coming back acoustic
This is what you came for
I need your love
Pray to god