Bon Iver

Dengarkan di
Label Rekaman
Eau Claire, WI (2006)

Tentang Bon Iver

Bon Iver is an American indie folk band founded in 2006 by singer-songwriter Justin Vernon. Vernon released Bon Iver’s debut album, For Emma, Forever Ago, independently in July 2007. The majority of the album was recorded while Vernon spent three months isolated in a cabin in western Wisconsin.

Chord Gitar Bon Iver

666 upsidedowncross
33 “god”
29 strafford apts
Bruised orange
22 over soon
Calgary live
Coming down
Beth rest
8 (circle)
Beach baby
Creature fear
Blood bank
Flume acoustic
Re stacks
Skinny love
The wolves
Things behind things behind things
U man like
For emma forever ago
For emma live
Haven mass
Hayward wi
Heavenly father
Hinnom tx
Holocene acoustic
I cant make you love me
Lovins for fools
Minnesota wi
00000 million

Tab Gitar Bon Iver

29 strafford apts
1867 excerpt
Beach baby
A song for a lover of long ago
Re stacks
Skinny love
The wolves live
The wolves
I cant make you love me
Minnesota wi

Tab Bass Bon Iver

Brackett wi

Ukulele Bon Iver

Creature fear
Beth rest
Beach baby
Blood bank
Blue tulip
Re stacks
Skinny love
The whippgrass
Love more