Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell adalah penyanyi-penulis lagu Amerika. Dia pertama kali mendapat perhatian publik pada tahun 2015 dengan single debutnya “Ocean Eyes”, yang ditulis dan diproduksi oleh kakaknya Finneas O’Connell, dengan siapa dia berkolaborasi dalam musik dan pertunjukan live.
Billie Eilish
Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell
Los Angeles, CA, United States
Tentang Billie Eilish
Chord Gitar Billie Eilish
When the partys over
- ver. 2When the partys over
- ver. 2When the partys over
- ver. 3When the partys over
- ver. 3When the partys over
- ver. 4When the partys over
- ver. 4When the partys over
- ver. 5When the partys over
- ver. 5When the partys over
- ver. 6When the partys over
- ver. 6When the partys over
- ver. 7When the partys over
- ver. 7When the partys over
Copycat (acoustic)
All the good girls go to hell
Come out and play
Bitches broken hearts
Dancing on my own
Another stupid song
Call me back
Bad company so n so
Dont smile at me
Eres tú
True blue
Thinkin bout you
The end of the world
Shes broken
Party' s over
Party favor
Silver bells
When i was older
Your power
You should see me in a crown
- ver. 1You should see me in a crown
- ver. 1You should see me in a crown
- ver. 2You should see me in a crown
- ver. 2You should see me in a crown
- ver. 3You should see me in a crown
- ver. 3You should see me in a crown
- ver. 4You should see me in a crown
- ver. 4You should see me in a crown
- ver. 5You should see me in a crown
- ver. 5You should see me in a crown
You dont get me high anymore
Wish you were gay
When we all fall asleep where do we go
When the party's over
Dont wanna be you anymore
Ocean eyes
I wish you were gay
I love you
Hotline bling
Have yourself a merry little christmas
Happier than ever
Halley's comet
Getting older
Fingers crossed
Everything i wanted
- ver. 1Everything i wanted
- ver. 1Everything i wanted
- ver. 2Everything i wanted
- ver. 2Everything i wanted
- ver. 3Everything i wanted
- ver. 3Everything i wanted
- ver. 4Everything i wanted
- ver. 4Everything i wanted
- ver. 5Everything i wanted
- ver. 5Everything i wanted
- ver. 6Everything i wanted
- ver. 6Everything i wanted
No time to die
My strange addiction
Male's fantasy
Lost cause
Listen before i go
Tab Gitar Billie Eilish
All the good girls go to hell
6 18 18
Bitches broken hearts
Billie bossa nova
Bury a friend
Bad guy
- ver. 1Bad guy
- ver. 1Bad guy
- ver. 2Bad guy
- ver. 2Bad guy
- ver. 3Bad guy
- ver. 3Bad guy
- ver. 4Bad guy
- ver. 4Bad guy
- ver. 5Bad guy
- ver. 5Bad guy
- ver. 6Bad guy
- ver. 6Bad guy
- ver. 7Bad guy
- ver. 7Bad guy
- ver. 8Bad guy
- ver. 8Bad guy
- ver. 9Bad guy
- ver. 9Bad guy
- ver. 10Bad guy
- ver. 10Bad guy
- ver. 11Bad guy
- ver. 11Bad guy
- ver. 12Bad guy
- ver. 12Bad guy
- ver. 13Bad guy
- ver. 13Bad guy
- ver. 14Bad guy
- ver. 14Bad guy
Come out and play
Your power
Party favor
You should see me in a crown
Wish you were gay
When the partys over
When i was older
Ocean eyes
I love you
Everything i wanted
- ver. 1Everything i wanted
- ver. 1Everything i wanted
- ver. 2Everything i wanted
- ver. 2Everything i wanted
- ver. 3Everything i wanted
- ver. 3Everything i wanted
- ver. 4Everything i wanted
- ver. 4Everything i wanted
- ver. 5Everything i wanted
- ver. 5Everything i wanted
- ver. 6Everything i wanted
- ver. 6Everything i wanted
- ver. 7Everything i wanted
- ver. 7Everything i wanted
- ver. 8Everything i wanted
- ver. 8Everything i wanted
- ver. 9Everything i wanted
- ver. 9Everything i wanted
No time to die
My strange addiction
Listen before i go
Tab Bass Billie Eilish
All the good girls go to hell
Bad guy remix
Bad guy
Party favor
Wish you were gay
When the partys over
Ocean eyes
My strange addiction
Ukulele Billie Eilish
6 18 18
All the good girls go to hell
8 party favor
Bury a friend
Carpool karaoke medley
Bitches broken hearts
Come out and play
Because im in love with you
The 30th
Telegraph ave
Smells like teen spirit
Six feet under
Shes broken
Ocean eyes
You should see me in a crown
Wish you were gay but i change it to a real love song
When the partys over
- ver. 1When the partys over
- ver. 1When the partys over
- ver. 2When the partys over
- ver. 2When the partys over
- ver. 3When the partys over
- ver. 3When the partys over
- ver. 4When the partys over
- ver. 4When the partys over
- ver. 5When the partys over
- ver. 5When the partys over
- ver. 6When the partys over
- ver. 6When the partys over
- ver. 7When the partys over
- ver. 7When the partys over
When i was older
Wish you were gay
Hotline bling
Fingers crossed
Everything i wanted
Happier than ever
My boy
Listen before i go