The Bee Gees were a musical group formed in 1958 by brothers Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb. The trio were especially successful in popular music in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and later as prominent performers in the disco music era in the mid- to late 1970s.
Bee Gees
Label Rekaman
Redcliffe, Australia (1958)
Tentang Bee Gees
Chord Gitar Bee Gees
I lay down and die
I laugh in your face
I held a party
I have decided to join the airforce
I dont wanna be the one
Born a man
I close my eyes
Blue island
I dont know why i bother with myself
Bad bad dreams
I dont think its funny
Birdie told me
Bee gees 1st
Black diamond
I Started A Joke
Baby as you turn away
All this making love
In my own time
In the heat of the night
In the summer of his years
All the way
Indian gin and whiskey dry
Irresistible force
Islands in the stream
Above and beyond
Im weeping
Another lonely night in new york
And the sun will shine
Alone again
I surrender
I’ve Gotta Get A Message To You
I was the child
If i cant have you
If i only had my mind on something else
I was a lover
Bury me down by the river
Castles in the air
How can you mend a broken heart
Ellan vannin
House of lords
Home again rivers
Edge of the universe
Hold her in your hand
Harrys gate
Harry braff
Greatest man in the world
Glass house
Give your best
Gilbert green
For whom the bell tolls
Follow the wind
Every christian lion hearted man will show you
First Of May
Every second every minute
Children of the world
I Can't See Nobody
How love was true
Chocolate symphony
Fanny be tender with my love
Close another door
Closer than close
Come home johnny bridie
Could it be
Country lanes
Country woman
Craise finton kirk royal academy of arts
Cryin every day
Cucumber castle
Day time girl
Deeply deeply me
Dont forget me ida
Don't Forget To Remember
Dont forget to remember me
Dont want to live inside myself
How deep is your love
Down to earth
Youll never see my face again
Still waters run deep
Such a shame
Sun in my morning
Swan song
Take hold of that star
Technicolor dreams
Tell me why
The 1st mistake i made
The change is made
The earnest of being george
(The Lights Went Out In) Massachusetts
The lord
The only love
The singer sang his song
The way it was
Then you left me
The chance of love
This is were i come in
Second hand people
Secret love
She keeps on coming
Sincere relation
Sinking ships
Sir geoffrey saved the world
Smoke and mirrors
Stayin alive
Someone belonging to someone
Sound of love
South dakota morning
Spicks And Specks
Spirits having flown
Somebody stop the music
This is where i came in
This Is Whwre I Came In
When do i
When the swallows fly
Where are you
While i play
Whisper whisper
Wine and women
Wish you were here
With the sun in my eyes
Wedding day
Wouldnt i be someone
You know its for you
You should be dancing
You win again
Walking on air
Three kisses of love
Throw a penny
Tint of blue
To be or not to be
To Love Somebody
Too Much Heaven
We lost the road
Turn of the century
Turning tide
Walking back to waterloo
Sea of smiling faces
Saw a new morning
Lonely days
Love me
Love so right
Love you inside out
Main course
Man for all seasons
A lonely violin
Marley purt drive
Melody fair
Method to my madness
Mondays rain
Man in the middle
More than a woman
Living in chicago
Live or die hold me like a child
Its just the way
Ive got to get a message to you
Ive gotta get a message
Ive gotta get a message to you
Jingle jangle
Living eyes
Jive talkin
Kilburn towers
King and country
Kiss of life
Kitty can
Lemons never forget
Let there be love
Lion in winter
Sea of smiling face
One million years
One minute woman
Ordinary lives
Our love dont throw it all away
Paper mache cabbages kings
Paying the price of love
Please read me
Portrait of louise
Red chair fade away
Rest your love on me
Road to alaska
Run to
Run to me
Saved by the bell
Morning of my life
Odessa city on the black sea
Mr natural
Mrs gillespies refrigerator
My life has been a song
My lovers prayer
My thing
My world
Never been alone
Never say never again
Omega man
New York Mining Disaster 1941
Night Fever
Nights on broadway
2 years on
Tab Gitar Bee Gees
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Tab Bass Bee Gees
New york mining disaster
Night fever
Nights on broadway
New york mining disaster 1941
Ukulele Bee Gees
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