Bad Suns

Dengarkan di
Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, CA (2012)

Tentang Bad Suns

Bad Suns is an American rock band from Woodland Hills, California, formed in 2012. The band currently consists of Christo Bowman, Gavin Bennett, and Miles Morris. All of the band members are from Los Angeles, California.

Chord Gitar Bad Suns

Disappear here
Daft pretty boys
Even in my dreams i cant win
Cardiac arrest
Away we go
Learn to trust
Hold your fire
We move like the ocean
This was a home once
The world and i
Take my love and run
Swimming in the moonlight
One magic moment
Off she goes
Love by mistake

Tab Gitar Bad Suns

Dancing on quicksand
Cardiac arrest
Away we go
Daft pretty boys
Twenty years
Outskirts of paradise
Off she goes
Matthew james

Tab Bass Bad Suns

Dancing on quicksand
Daft pretty boys
We move like the ocean
Cardiac arrest

Ukulele Bad Suns

Darkness arrives and departs
Daft pretty boys
Cardiac arrest
Sleep paralysis